2 BHK Apartments in Prestige Song of the South
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Apartments in Prestige Song of the South
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B1 in Prestige Song of the South
2 BHK Apartments in Prestige Song of the South accounts to a total of 724 units; these total units are distributed among many blocks. In Particular Tower 12(Level 3-17),14 (Level 1-17)of Block 6 is reserved for Type B units .Based on the Super Built up Area(SBA) Type B is further classified. Unit B1 contains two Bedrooms one of area 14*12 feet, other 12*11 feet adjacent to each other. Bedroom 2 has an attached Bath room of 6.3*9.3 feet. A separate common Bath room of SBA 6.3*9.3 is adjacent to the Living Hall of SBA 14.0*18.0.Balcony of area 5 feet wide is adjacent left of the Living Hall/Dining Hall 10.6*17.6 feet. Living Hall is at the entrance of the Unit facing towards east providing city view. Kitchen of 7.6* 10 is Behind the Foyer area with a separate space of 4.6*6.9 for utility.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B2 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B2 is 2 BHK type present in Tower 12(Level1-17), Tower 14(Level3-17) in Block 6 contains two Bedrooms one of size 11*12 feet adjacent to Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the utility of 4.6*7.6. 5 feet .5 feet wide balcony adjacent to Living Hall/Dining Hall 16*18.6.Foyer is of 4.6*5.0 feet area. Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1. Bedroom2 is of 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet area.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B3 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B3 is 2 BHK is present in Tower 5(Level1-22) & Tower 15, 16, 17(Level1-19) in Block 2, 7. It contains two Bedrooms .Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet area. Foyer is of 6.6*4.0 feet area with an adjacent Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility of 4.6*7.6. Balcony of 5 feet wide adjacent to Living Hall/Dining Hall 14*19 feet .Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B4 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B4 is 2 BHK present in Tower 4(Level1-22) & Tower 1, 2, 3(Level1-19) in Block1, 2. This Unit contains two Bedrooms .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet area. Foyer is of 5*3.6 feet area with an adjacent Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility of 4.6*7.6. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall/Dining Hall 14*19 feet. Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B5 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B5 is 2 BHK is present in Tower 5(Level1-22) & Tower 15, 16, 17(Level1-19) in Block2, 7. This type contains two Bedrooms .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet area. Foyer is of 4.6*5.10 feet area with an adjacent Kitchen (7.6*10) along with the Utility of 7.6*4.6. Balcony of 5 feet wide adjacent to Living Hall/Dining Hall 11.6*21.6 feet .Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B6 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B6 is 2 BHK present in Tower 12(Level1-17) & Tower 14(Level1-17) only in Block6. It contains two Bedrooms .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. Foyer is of 5.6*3 feet area with an adjacent Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility of 4.6*7.6.Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall/Dining Hall 15*18.6 feet .Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B7 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B7 is 2 BHK is present in Tower 4(Level1-22) & Tower 1, 2, 3(Level1-19) Block1, 2. This contains two Bedrooms .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. Foyer is of 5.6*3 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 15*18.6 feet an adjacent Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility of 4.6*7.6.Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1 may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B8 in Prestige Song of the South

Type B8 is 2 BHK is present in Tower 12(Level1-17) & Tower 14(Level1-17) Block6. It contains two Bedrooms .Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. Foyer is of 4.6*4.6 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 14*18 feet Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility of 4.6*7.6 is behind the Foyer area. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Living area may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B9 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B9 is 2 BHK present in Tower 5(Level1-22) & Tower 15, 16, 17(Level1-19) of Block 2, 7. This Unit contains two Bedrooms. Foyer of 5*3 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 15*19.6 feet .Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility of 4.6*7.6 is beside the Foyer area. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. A Separate Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is in b/w Living and Bedroom 1 may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B10 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B10 is 2 BHK present in Tower 4(Level1-22) & Tower 1, 2, 3(Level1-19) of Block1, 2. This Unit contains two Bedrooms. Foyer of 4*5 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 15*18 feet .Kitchen (7.6*10) along with the Utility of 7.6*4.6 is behind the Foyer area. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom 2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. A separate Toilet of 5.3*8.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1 may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B11 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B11 is 2 BHK is present in Tower 5(Level1-22) & Tower 15, 16, 17(Level1-19) of Block2, 7. This Unit contains two Bedrooms. Foyer of 5*3 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 15*19.6 feet .Kitchen (10*7.6) along with the Utility space of 4.6*7.6 is adjacent to Foyer area. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom 2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. A Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1 may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type B12 in Prestige Song of the South
Type B12 is 2 BHK present in Tower 4(Level1-22) & Tower 1, 2, 3(Level1-19) of Block1, 2, 3. It contains two Bedrooms. Foyer of 5.6*3.6 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 14.6*18 feet .Kitchen (7.6*10) along with the Utility space of 7.6*4.6 is adjacent to Living Hall. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom 2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. Toilet of 5.3*8.3 feet area is adjacent to Bedroom 1 may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type C1 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C1 is 2.5 BHK present in Tower 4(Level1-22), Tower 1, (Level1-19) Tower 2, 3(Level3-19) of Block1, 2. Unit contains two Bedrooms and a study area. Foyer of 4.6*10 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 17.4*17.6 feet .Kitchen (10*7.6 feet) along with the Utility space of 4.6*7.6 feet is between two bedroom which are opposite to one another Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. A partition of 8.6*9.6 behind the Foyer is reserved as a Study area .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom 2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area adjacent to Bedroom 1 may be utilized as common.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type C2 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C2 is 2.5 BHK present in Tower 4(Level1-22), Tower 1, 2, 3(Level1-19) of Block1, 2. Unit contains two Bedrooms and study area. Foyer of 5.3*4 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 18.6*18.6 feet .Kitchen (7.6*10 feet) along with the Utility space of 7.6*4.6 feet is adjacent to Bedroom 2 .Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall. A partition of 9*9 behind the Foyer is reserved as a Study area .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom 2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2 BHK Type C3 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C3 is 2.5 BHK is present in Tower 4(Level1-22), Tower 1, 2, 3(Level1-19) of Block1, 2. Unit contains two Bedrooms and a study area. Foyer of 5.6*5 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 12*23 feet .Kitchen (10*7.6 feet) along with the Utility space of 4.6*7.6 feet is opposite to the Living Hall. A partition of 9*9 behind the Foyer is reserved as a Study area .Bedroom 1 is of size 12*11 feet. Bedroom 2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall .A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type C4 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C4 is 2.5 BHK with is present in Tower 5(Level1-22), Tower 15(Level1-19) Tower 16, 17 (Level3-19) of Block 2, 7. Unit contains two Bedrooms with a extra partition for study area. Foyer of 4.6*4.6 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 17*18.6 feet .Kitchen (10*7.6 feet) along with the Utility space of 4.6*7.6 feet is opposite to the Living Hall. A partition of 9*9 adjacent to Living Hall is reserved as a Study area .Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12.6 feet. Bedroom 2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall .A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type C5 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C5 is 2.5 BHK is present in Tower 5(Level3-22), Tower 15, 16, 17 (Level1-19) of Block 2, 7. Unit contains two Bedrooms with an extra partition for study area. Foyer of 4.6*8.3 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 16*18 feet .Kitchen (7.6*10 feet) comes along with the Utility space of 7.6*4.6 feet is behind the foyer. A partition of 9*9 adjacent to Bedroom 1 is reserved as a Study area .Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom 2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall .A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area adjacent to Bedroom 1.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type C6 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C6 is 2.5 BHK is present in Tower 5(Level1-22), Tower 17(Level 1-19), Tower 15, 16 (Level3-19) of Block 2, 7. Unit contains two Bedrooms with an extra partition for study area. Foyer of 4.6*4.6 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 18.6*17.6 feet Kitchen (10 *7.6 feet) has Utility space of 4.6*7.6 feet along with it. Study area of 9*9 feet is beside the kitchen. Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom 2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall .A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is opposite to Living room.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type c7 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C7 is 2.5 BHK is present in Tower 2(Level3-19), Tower 3(Level 1-19), of Block 1, 2. Unit contains two Bedrooms with an extra partition for study area. Foyer of 5.0*5.0 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 17*18 feet. Kitchen (7.6*10 feet) has Utility space of 4.6*7.6 feet along with it. Study area of 9*9 feet is beside the kitchen. Bedroom 1 is of size 11*12 feet. Bedroom 2 is 14*12 feet area has an attached Toilet of 6.3*9.3 feet. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall .A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is behind the Living room.
Floor Plan of 2.5 BHK Type c8 in Prestige Song of the South
Type C8 is 2.5 BHK present in Tower 5(Level1-22), Tower 15, 16, 17 (Level 1-19), of Block 2, 7. Unit contains two Bedrooms with an extra partition for study area. Foyer of 5.6*3.0 feet area leads to Living Hall/Dining Hall 17*19.6 feet. Kitchen (7.6*10 feet) has Utility space of 4.6*7.6 feet along with it. Study area of 9*9 feet is beside the kitchen. Bedroom 1 is of size 12*12 feet. Bedroom 2 is 12*14 feet area has an attached Toilet of 9.3*6.3 feet. Balcony of 5 feet wide is adjacent to Living Hall .A common Toilet of 8.3*5.3 feet area is behind the Living room.
Posted on: August 24, 2015, by : SongofSouth